nhvic conference 2024
Wednesday 20 March
Various Times
Open House (optional)
Pop by these Neighbourhood Houses/Centres on your way to the conference venue. Drop by for a cuppa, chat and have an explore!
Read more here!
Ballarat East Neighbourhood House | 9:30am - 5pm
25/39 Barkly St, Ballarat East VIC 3350
Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre | 10am - 2pm
11 Tuppen Dr, Sebastopol VIC 3356
Wendouree Neighbourhood Centre | 11am - 3pm
12 Holly Grove, Wendouree VIC 3355
Clunes Neighbourhood House | 12pm - 3pm
6 Templeton St, Clunes VIC 3370
​(BOOM Clunes | Social Enterprise, 28 Fraser St, Clunes VIC 3370)
Ballan Neighbourhood House | 1pm - 3pm
143 Inglis St, Ballan VIC 3342
Creswick Neighbourhood Centre | 2pm - 4pm
19-21 Victoria St, Creswick VIC 3363 ​
Masterclass (optional)
Power analysis workshop with Real Deal for Geelong​
Accommodation check-in opens
Neighbourhood House Networking
Structured networking to help you connect and share ideas with others in the sector.​
Casual Networking Drinks
thursday 21 March
From 7am
From 6:30pm
From 7pm
Breakfast opens
For guests with accommodation
Registration opens
Welcome to Country & Smoking Ceremony
Djaara Traditional Owner Peta Hudson
Opening Statements
CEO Opening
Welcome to Country
President’s Address
Keynote: Dr Helen Durham
The CEO of RedR Australia will discuss disaster preparedness and resilience.
Morning tea
Keynote: Dee Brooks, Jeder Institute
Community development​
Breakout Workshops
Keynote: Leigh Sales
Multi award-winning author and journalist.
CEO Statement
Closing the day ahead of the final breakout sessions
Afternoon tea
Breakout Workshops
Theme: 70s!​
Pre-Dinner Drinks
Dinner Service and NHVic Award Presentation
friday 22 march
From 7am
Breakfast opens
For guests with accommodation
Day 3 opens
A short welcome from the CEO
Keynote: Juanita Pope
Victorian Council of Social Services (VCOSS)​
Martha Haylett
Victorian State MP for Ripon
Keynote: Nevo Zisin
A a storyteller, esteemed educator on transgender topics, TEDx speaker, poet, and workshop facilitator.
Morning tea
Breakout Workshops
Research Update: Imogen Carr, RMIT
This session presents an NHVic – RMIT partnered project that analyses neighbourhood houses’ work in the context of the widespread challenge of loneliness and social isolation, and creates discussion about the challenges and opportunities that this increasingly pressing issue poses for neighbourhood houses.
Closing Statements
From our CEO
Lunch will be available to go for attendees who prefer to get right on the road.
what to bring
We want our conference to be environmentally sustainable so we will no longer be providing printed programs, showbags, pens, and notepads.
Please bring with you:
a smartphone, tablet, or laptop to view the conference program online. For easy access, add this page to your home screen
pens and notepad
water bottle and keep-cup
a tote or reusable bag to store things you may receive from the marketplace
costume for the Gala Night
If you have accommodation:
Aside from the usual items (clothes, toiletries), you may want to bring:
bathers for the swimming pool (indoor and outdoor)
workout clothes for the gym
your tennis racquet (these will also be available to borrow from the venue)
There are three breakout sessions at the 2024 conference. They will be held at 12pm and 4pm on Thursday 21 March, and 11:30am on Friday 22 March. Each attendee will have the opportunity to select the sessions they'd like to attend.
Thursday 21 March 12pm
Pathways to Volunteering for Migrant and Refugee Women
Wellsprings for Women | Hepburn Room
Many women arrive in Australia with strong workplace and resilience skills but face many barriers in finding ways to apply these skills and contribute to society in the ways they would like to. Volunteering can provide the link to self-respect and new careers whilst providing unique benefits to organisations that engage them.
Community Group Governance Program
Ballarat East Neighbourhood House | Creswick Room
Ballarat’s four Neighbourhood Houses partnered with the City of Ballarat to develop and deliver the first half of a 4-year program that supports community development and community partnerships through building resilience in local community groups. We run free Workshops to improve community groups’ sustainability, ability to access funds and improve governance.
The Inclusion Games
Kris Rawlinson & Michelle Willoughby (NHVic) | Banksia Room
Join us for a fun and interactive session to test your knowledge and application of practices that promote inclusion of all community members, regardless of age, ability, background, gender and other personal circumstances. Do you have what it takes to enter this battle and maybe learn a few hot tips from your peers and our NHVic facilitators? Game on!
New Managers Panel
Meg Stewart, Greg Ferrington, Jo Davey, & Sonya Davis | Ironbark Room
A welcoming space for new managers to ask questions and gain information from our experienced Locum Managers.
Food Relief as Community Development
Morwell Neighbourhood House | Lindsay Room
Tracie Lund will discuss the rising demand for food relief services, and the successful program and partnerships Morwell Neighbourhood House have built to sustain it. The session will be introduced and faciliated by Can Yasmut, EO, Local Community Services Association (LCSA), the NSW peak body for neighbourhood and community centres.
Thursday 21 March 4pm
Neighbourhood Placemaking: The Art and Craft of Creating an Inspiring Public Space with your Neighbourhood House
Alphington Community Centre | Banksia Room
Is your house regularly mistaken for a childcare centre? A local government office? Does your community pass by daily without really understanding who you are or acknowledging your presence? Here are 20 ways to change your physical relationship with your neighbourhood and help your community really see you.
The Art of Persuasion: The Role roles of Neighbourhood Houses as Advocates
Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre | Ironbark Room
Advocacy can be scary, daunting, mystifying, and confusing – yet Neighbourhood Houses can play a powerful role working with local communities to work towards systemic change. This presentation aims to provide practical tips about how to walk alongside community for changing hearts and minds of political decision-makers. Politicians are people too!
Mobile Hub
Pangerang Community Hub | Acacia Lawn
Come check out Pangerang Community Hub's Mobile Hub! This session will be informal, and give you the opportunity to see how their new Mobile Hub operates and services their community.
Sorrento Community Centre | Tennis Courts
Greg Hilton will give a pickleball demonstration and explain a possible long term income stream which can be minimal setting up costs from the fastest growing sport in USA, with Australia quickly catching up. You don't need your own space for courts and doing joint ventures with other entities is a real option. Join in the fun for a game and see how it could be a great new addition for your Neighbourhood House!
Friday 22 March 11:30am
Managing Mental Health: What are our Obligations to our Workers?
Justice Connect | Banksia Room
Working and volunteering in the not-for-profit sector can be as challenging as it is rewarding. We know our employees and volunteers experience stress and other factors related to work that could compromise their mental health. How can we manage hazards like high job demands, exposure to trauma, harassment and bullying, to meet our health and safety obligations for staff and volunteers?
Make ACFE Work for You
Panel | Hepburn Room
ACFE providers will speak on the models and programs that have been successful for them, and the ways they've navigated making ACFE work for their Neighbourhood Houses.
Social Prescription
Panel | Lindsay Room
Dr J.R. Baker (Australian Social Prescribing Institute of Research and Education) and Lexi Marsh (Department of Health) will be joined by a link worker to discuss social prescribing efforts.
Manager Experiences and Insights
Panel | Ironbark Room
Chrissy Austin (Creswick Neighbourhood Centre) and Mary-Lynn Grffith (Whittlesea Community House) will talk about some of the programs and processes in their Neighbourhood Houses that have created success, and how those could apply for your Neighbourhood House.